Saturday, 22 October 2011

Home again,

Another glorious day, perhaps autumn has been cancelled this year. I have a suspicion that this is intended to keep nearly all of the leaves on the trees until November, so that G can avoid raking up & making a pile the size of Wembley Stadium, at the top of the field, to compost down by the next ice age.

We arrived home yesterday tea time, in time to scrub up to go to a Conservative Party dinner at DMP at which Liam Fox was the speaker.
He did attend & was inspirational.
A shame that his talents will be lost for a while.
The second highlight of the evening was my winning a magnum of Tattinger champagne & £100 in the "Heads & Tails" game (hands on head or hips, toss of coin decides those eliminated - I don't think that success in this has any career potential!) 
The third highlight was LF choosing G & I to embrace for photos as he left.

Anyway, I have spent the last six days in Denmark with W, MK,J & DK, which was delightful.
Since I saw the family at Easter, W has lost 1/4 of his body weight by following a meat & bean diet, which apparently changes your body chemistry - you vaporise the fat & blow it away!
He's pretty skinny - I could try it, with a bit of bread & the odd digestive biscuit!
MK's as calm as ever, J has even more energy - a large hamster wheel could generate enough electricity to sell excess, DK has an increased vocabulary - all Danish!
We walked in the forest, ate with T&B & family, played football & went to a childrens' ballet in Copenhagen - the audience full of little girls in tutus, tights & boots!

The ten days before that G & I were on a Fred Olsen Baltic cruise, from Newcastle, visiting Oslo, Turku & Helsinki (Finland), St Petersburg then Copenhagen, where I disembarked, leaving G as a "single" for the journey home!!!
Really good - a cross between a 5* hotel & a Geordie old folks home, with days of escape in interesting places.
More later.
We spent a night with JR on the way home after W picked me up at Stanstead.
Enjoying being home


Anonymous said...

You should edit the initial of the person who collected you from the airport I think!

Welcome back,


Anonymous said...


William said...

I don't remember being at that airport, just CPH