Monday, 26 July 2010

Only me.

As in "only me out there, blogging"
Anyway, life is settled again. No school. No work. Lots of jobs to do about the house & garden.
Jessie came today, so we had a nice relaxed day.
We sorted through the button box, made a Teddy Bear Shop out of a shoe box & oat cookies out of porridge, butter & carnation milk.
The latter are scrummy but, I calculate that each one contains 1/4 oz of butter.
The Telegraph crossword was set by a human today & we have almost completed it.

I have washed lots of tablecloths recently, in M&S detergent for whites, with brilliant results.
Even old treated stains have all but gone.
Do try it, 60 degrees.
We'll see what tomorrow brings - clouds I suspect.


William said...

I'm blogging again now that I am off the floor

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow brings more washing, tomorrow and tomorow and tomorrow,