Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Bridge........ To Malmo.

We had a lift into the airport with W yesterday morning, then crossed the bridge by coach, in bright sunshine, along with fans, taking selfies.
Apparently it's now a tourist destination in it's own right.
There were no bodies but we did have to show the driver our passports on boarding and again to the
Swedish border police.
A sign of the times.
There is now is a vast area of development between the bridge and Malmo, all rather soggy yesterday as the snow has melted and 5degrees.

We pottered around the city - there are some beautiful buildings and large squares.
An apothecary's shop from 1596, with original fittings and the station building  were particularly noteworthy.
We joined a service in the Cathedral, had lunch, spent some time in an amazing design shop, pottered a bit more then came back at 15.45 and eventually caught a train to Ringsted.

Today we plan a day in Copenhagen, walking down to the station when we have had breakfast.
The family had all gone by the time I surfaced this morning - the basement is pretty well soundproof so I slept through an hour of "getting up" noise.
MK just phoned to say there was home made bread for breakfast.
Beat that!

A grey day but mild with a little rain forecast.

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