Thursday, 4 February 2016

A welcome home.

A good flight from Copenhagen on Tuesday morning after coffee and a Danish pastry in the airport.
We drove home from Luton via Bedford, where we stopped for lunch and a potter round - a lovely town with some beautiful buildings which we enjoyed despite the cold and rain.
Home via Kenilworth and a shop at Waitrose for bacon and eggs.........
A lazy day yesterday, catching up on sleep and avoiding the cold and wet.
Much better today, I've spent a few hours in the garden clearing leaves to let  the bulbs see some light and allow the lawn to dry a little - 6 barrow loads later, I've come in for a cup of tea.
The plants are all far too advanced for early February so hopefully we won't have hard frosts.
Shrubs, blossom, primula and crocus flowering and daffodils nearly there

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