Never mind, every other dream came true, the real icing on the cake being Ed 2 losing his seat rather than being given a second chance to ruin the country.
At least Yvette can still claim expenses for their home and, If she takes over as leader, he can be her diary secretary/housekeeper and be claimed as an expense.
I'm sure that many good constituency MPs have been lost, something the Scots may live to regret.
Has UKIP done their bit by raising the problems of seemingly uncontrolled immigration, or will they rise from the ashes.......eventually?
Is there room on the BBC for all of the disposed party leaders and shadow ministers to do documentaries?
To be honest, I feel great relief that the country, especially the economy is not in e hands of the two Eds and a group of people we've never heard of, apart from Doug Alex (for short!)
Back to real life, I had the radio on all night, so I perhaps didn't sleep too well, but did hear the exciting bits as they happened
The older chicken is now ridiculously friendly and wants to be in the house, whilst the new ones are already coming to be fed.
Two eggs again today.
Not bad.
By the time I'd done chores, put washing out and visited Andrew, the insurance broker in Coleshill and the charity shop, I had only an hour in Solihull before collecting J and Th from school.
Home by 7.30pm, after shopping at M&S (25%off 6 bottles of wine).
A fox was casing the chicken run at twilight when I went to shut the laying box door.
No doubt the one that took the second chicken n
A final post-mortum on the election, then bed.
A sermon to write tomorrow then, hopefully, some time in the garden.
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