Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Who murdered the wisteria?

Up early to let the chickens and the washing out before a session e baying clothes, having looked in the wardrobe to find a dress to wear and realised just how many were there that I should never wear again.
These are now "vintage"!
Hopefully I shall gain some space and some spending money for my holidays.
Jan had to take K into college in Solihull so we had planned a few hours of rummaging, chatting and coffee drinking.
We had a wonderful light lunch at Pret a Manger, did all of the charity shops and M&S, bought food and then moved on to Monkspath, the 2.5 hours free parking at Morrisons having come to an end.
We scoured Homebase, bought more food at M&S and then had coffee, again, by which time K had finished  so we collected him and came home.
I had to go to the PO to mail an e bay parcel and then on to Morrisons to check out which of the ingredients for Sunday's Carity Lunch, I could buy there.
The brilliant answer was, everything but the chorizo.
That makes Saturday's shopping easy a so that I can get on with the cooking early as I'm going to Olwen's birthday party in the afternoons.

Good news, car started first time today.

Not sure the photo of the wisteria has gone.
It's a sad disgrace this year due, I guess, to over- energetic pruning by the only person prepared to work up a ladder.
I'm sure that it will return it' former glory, next year.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Home sweet home.

Yesterday I was pumping water from the well to puddle in the new plants.
The top chamber had to be cleared of moss as the first time it was used a few weeks ago, on the downstroke, a blue tit appeared through the top aperture, looking rather surprised as he/she was building a nest up until that moment.
I'm not sure who was more surprised.

Today, on a quick tour of the factory, a robin flew out of an old lamp in the plating shop.
He settled long enough to warn me off and then flew away up the chimney of the furnace.
He was back later.
There are lots of nests in he garden hedges, swallows in the stable and a wren in the corner by the conservatory, probably in the manger that's awaiting planting.

 I've spent today gardening, after posting the e bay items that sold over the weekend -  bumper sales due to people having time on their hands and fewer shops open, I guess.
Money in the holiday fund!
Time for an omelette and salad - plenty of fresh eggs.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Blooming marvellous!

It may not be Chelsea, but I'm really pleased with the state of the garden considering that I've spent so little time working in it so far this year due to the dodgy eye and then the twisted knee.
I've just spent a lovely afternoon working out there, putting in plants bought at the nursery in Shawbury - a small family affair run by friends of B from school days.
Highly recommended.
I have a chicken, bean and chorizo casserole on the stove and need a shower.

I went to Hansons Auction on Thursday and bought a few things - anyone want a Welsh Family Bible, a Slazenger Fletcher hockey stick or a vintage roulette wheel with leather box of chips?
Walsgrave on Friday, eye test and a clean bill of health, so the world's my oyster again!
Saturday recovering from the cold that had made Friday very difficult and drug related.
Sunday, church and relaxing .
Back to normal and hectic today.
The Volvo won't start for the second day, despite new batteries in the key fob, but the Lotus is feeling good.
Any ideas, apart from a mechanic?
Garden tomorrow, lots of things planned.

See if you can recognise the views:

Should have photographed this a week ago.

Dad's favourite rhododendron.

Today's efforts........+ brushing down all windows, sweeping...........

Below, for the tubs, tomorrow.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Well done Brum!

Birmingham city council have won the Jubilee Award for their garden at The Chelsea Flower Show representing the 300th anniversary of St Philip's Cathedral.
This is it, from TV:
The Cathedral.

The Pews (I think) representing the nine Bishops of Birmingham, over the years.

The Byrne Jones windows - the highlight of the Cathedral.


Had a lazy day in that I intended to garden but was too cold after cleaning the chicks out and doing a little tidying.
Anyway, the house has benefitted as I've cleaned from top to bottom, washed everything that moves,line dried , ironed and back where it came from.
I have a clean bed awaiting me, which I love.
Just watching Horizon on the effects of binge drinking.
Does 3 glasses of wine a week count as binge drinking?
I do have a half pint of beer at the Pub Quiz once a month.
One more photo.......


Monday, 18 May 2015

Just the weather for.......

I had a free day today and planned to spend it in the garden.
It has rained for most of the day.
Even when the sun came out this afternoon it was followed immediately by a downpour.
I've just been to see Mand M, to "borrow" some screws to mend a kitchen cupboard; the rain stopped long enough for a walk around their lovely garden and a walk around the estate here when I arrived home.
It's raining again now.
As we always say, "the garden needs it", which is true.

See how many spots you can recognise, all looking vibrant following a warm weekend and.....a day's rain!

The one photo that I was really pleased with, isn't here.
I'll try again tomorrow.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

The Ghost Train.....

Just seen at The Belgrade.
A decision made a couple of hours earlier due to feeling wide awake, me having spent the day in gardening clothes, but never getting out there and K having spent the morning with the "Old Soldiers", clearing OW churchyard before coming here and sleeping all afternoon and feeling the need for some culture beyond "Bargain Hunt"!

I did a little cleaning and put some clothes on e bay.
Two cold today, dress £27 and Karen Millen trousers for £16.
See my sales - beavon 09.
I have eclectic tastes!

Church at 11.00am at OW tomorrow as the stand in vicar will only do the one service, so missing the earlier one at Sh T 9.30am.
No problem, I shall walk there in the gained time.  
Photos to follow, later.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Chick Lit!

A very welcome site when I got in from a meeting at about 9.00pm.
I went shut the chickens in, one in and one at the top of the field - danger zone for resident Mr Fox looking for dinner!
I spent some time searching the garden and field, with no success.
Last resort was that she was shut in the laundry as the door had been open all afternoon whilst I was gardening.
If so, she would be roosting, asleep, so would not disturb.
I could also remain optimistic overnight as the chance was slim really.
Whilst making coffee I heard noises from somewhere in the house, last place to look was the dining room, where chick/Edna was on the sideboard, having knocked a few things over but broken nothing.
She had obviously spent  much of the time on the table, having been in there for a good few hours.
She lives to lay another day.
Memo: keep the back door shut.
(All cleaned up and disinfected now)

Today's  eggs - Freda and Edna both laid for the first time, fortunately, not the last.
Thank goodness I found her before going to bed - noises from downstairs may have had a detrimental effect on my nerves!

The Blossom Trail.

Yesterday had an early start in order to take a friend with limited mobility to a meeting in Evesham at 9.00am.
After dropping him, we went on to Pershore for a potter, a walk along the river and coffee - a really pretty little town, well worth a visit.
We intended to visit Malvern next, but couldn't find it - navigating has never been  one of my strengths and the SATNAV wasn't trusted was female!
We returned to Evesham, which has a wealth of beautiful old buildings, antique and charity shops.
We had lunch at a delightful tea shop near the church - all local food, even Paleo friendly and the salad was still alive and breathing!
We collected John at 4.00pm then drove home around the lanes, visiting a couple of farms en route.
Home eventually to eat, read the paper and sleep.

My latest purchase for Wetherby - similar sold on e bay last week for 10x cost, and that for a red one!
And this - Crown Devon jam/ mustard?
Champagne cork from Sunday, I guess!

Black marks from revving, looking for a reported problem?

Bluebells, whitebellsand and montbretia on the way.

Peverything thriving.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Just when you thought things couldn't get any better........

Andy Murray beats Nadal, on clay in Madrid.
What a week!
All prayers answered and then the family all came for a champagne tea.
I'd made carrot cake, Malteser cake and rock cakes on Saturday afternoon, then came back from church, having taken the services at Sh and OW, and make batches of sweet and cheese scones
K washed the vehicles, charged the jeep and mowed all of the lawns before coming in to open the Proseco.
I, T, KP and Th all had a great time in the garden, T particularly keen to drive the jeep as he has a "driving lesson" next week for his eleventh birthday. (It's in a Skoda, so perhaps won't be that different!)a organised a football match and they all worked up healthy appetites and J and T forgot all about today's SATS (comprehension)

There was a wooden duck in my bed when I came to bed later!

A day in Solihull today with Jan as my car was out of action/ wouldn't start for the third day.
We pottered around the shops and had two rounds of coffee in Pret before Jan dropped me at P and A's, to collect J and Th from school.
K picked me up later to go to The Griffin for the monthly quiz, in aid of the church.
Our team came third, 71 points, winners scoring 74.
Not bad really.

The mechanic came to a look at the car while I was out.
It started!!!
The key battery is flat so will start the car when used in the keyhole, but not from your handbag!!!
That's why it started every time in the garage last Wed, but never for me.
Car's fine and no big bill, just embarrassment.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Today's Specials.........

 One of those days which are packed but little seems to have been achieved by tea time.
The covey of ducks from Hansons are all washed and brushed up ready for their appearance at Wetherby Antiques Fair on 14/15 June.
The pile of goods for sale is gradually accumulating - a pitch 25ft x 25ft will take a bit of filling , I guess, but we have a secret weapon in.........AJ!

My other secret weapon, seeing off the weeds on the yard and drive, saving my poor knees and nails.
The garden is really looking quite good, green and luscious.
Well done Dave!
I reckoned that the hoardings would no longer be needed so have decided to "harvest" as many as possible from the local hedgerows.
This is no 1.
They have multiple uses from church posters to wall boards.
Any other ideas?
Just need to get there before the local Conservatives! 

 This is in the dog house.
Refused to start this morning so alternative transport had to be arranged.
Two church services to do tomorrow as well.

Jeep on charge ready for the family visit tomorrow.
I'm busy making cakes for tea - OK, so I can multitask!
The aroma of Malteser cake is wafting in from the scullery.
Scones to make after church tomorrow.

Can you spot the two new chicks?
They have settled in very well, one is laying, so one large and one small egg daily at the moment.

The front border, which looks much better in real life and has been in flower for some weeks now.

And, the other border - it's main feature being the magnificent iris that came from "The Mount" many years ago, but refused to flower until moved to this spot about three years ago.
Now flourishing!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Done and dusted, with icing on the top!

Having correctly predicted the outcome, I only wish that I'd had a bet/ put my pocket money on it.
Never mind, every other dream came true, the real icing on the cake being Ed 2 losing his seat rather than being given a second chance to ruin the country.
At least Yvette can still claim expenses for their home and, If she takes over as leader, he can be her diary secretary/housekeeper and be claimed as an expense.
I'm sure that many good constituency MPs have been lost, something the Scots may live to regret.
Has UKIP done their bit by raising the problems of seemingly uncontrolled immigration, or will they rise from the ashes.......eventually?
Is there room on the BBC for all of the disposed party leaders and shadow ministers to do documentaries?
To be honest, I feel great relief that the country, especially the economy is not in e hands of the two Eds and a group of people we've never heard of, apart from Doug Alex (for short!)

Back to real life, I had the radio on all night, so I perhaps didn't sleep too well, but did hear the exciting bits as they happened
The older chicken is now ridiculously friendly and wants to be in the house, whilst the new ones are already coming to be fed.
Two eggs again today.
Not bad.

By the time I'd done chores, put washing out and visited Andrew, the insurance broker in Coleshill and the charity shop, I had only an hour in Solihull before collecting J and Th from school.
Home by 7.30pm, after shopping at M&S (25%off 6 bottles of wine).
A fox was casing the chicken run at twilight when I went to shut the laying box door.
No doubt the one that took the second chicken n

A final post-mortum on the election, then bed.
A sermon to write tomorrow then, hopefully, some time in the garden.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

A nice day out.

Up early to vote before driving to Welshpool wit K.
Whilst he went to a meeting, I pottered around the town did a few charity shops and had coffee.
We went on to Oswestry for lunch in The Wynnstay - salmon salad which was as delicious as last time, in really nice surroundings with excellent service.
We then pottered around the town, did a little shopping, including the odd charity shop, before finding M&S to buy cakes for friends that we were visiting in Shrewsbury on the way home.
Home for a salad and a very welcome cup of tea.
I've just done e mails and looked at e bay - two things sold today and offers coming in.
I think people are amusing themselves whilst waiting for the election results to come in.

Here are some of my bargain buys today:

Danish plate, maker KF.
Any ideas?

Wedgwood bamboo pot.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Photos too!

My new comports:
Royal Crown Derby
Chinese Canton Famille Vert?
The rockery enjoyed the rain anyway....
As did the lawn.
All present and correct.

New chicks on the block!

Two new mad chickens in residence, a gift from JA, following the disappearance of one of my two, somewhere between the garden and their run in the field on Monday evening.
They were great pals and so friendly that I'm sad to have lost one, to Mr Fox, I guess.
The new ones - Freda and Edna - are point of lay.
Freda won't leave the run, Edna is chasing around the site on a high, Chick was hiding behind the fatballs bin, keeping well out of it.
No doubt they'll get it all together shortly - I 've been out with titbits to talk to them a number of times, despite the high winds.

The Rogation Walk around the Parish on Monday was brilliant - fantastic weather, great company and delicious food on offer - coffee and toast at the Meths, bacon rolls at LM, plough mans at Sh, strawberries and wine at OW and afternoon teas at NW.
Local ales on offer at the six pubs!
I was at church from 9.00am to set up, served up loads of cheese and half a dozen crusty loaves to some lovely people (and dogs), clear up and get to NW by 4.00 to take a short, happy service to complete the day.
We started with "One More Step Along the Road I Go", ended with "The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended", I then walked to The Dog, The Swan and The Meths, for a lift home - the Volvo wouldn't start on Sunday or Monday, now at the garage.
Apparently, there is nothing wrong, but is being wired up today.

Yesterday spent recovering but included a visit to Lichfield to collect a lot bought at Wintertons last week - a Mintons green majolica comport and a Royal Crown Derby Imari comport, some professional repair to the base, but not visible from above.
I'm delighted with them.
Anyone interested?
Photos to follow as no camera icon on this page???

Sunday, 3 May 2015


Where had my camera icon gone when I needed it?

Automobilia Queen.

Due to my astute purchase of some Haynes' car manuals at The Sobell House Warehouse in Bicester and subsequent offering of them on e bay.
I'm not convinced that I deserve the title as I've not sold any .......yet!
I have sold various other commodities picked up over the years and have enjoyed the challenge.
You can follow me on my account if you want to see what quirky (favourite Bargain Hunt word) goods I have sourced/inherited/ been given over the years - given to sell for Church on the bric a brac stall, not personal presents.....yet! (beavon09))

Church this morning - inspiring sermon by our visiting retired priest, Jeremy, then on to take the service at NW, slightly less inspiring sermon, so K tells me.
Home for scrambled egg and a lazy afternoon and preparation for tomorrow, serving ploughmans' lunches at Sh church to sustain the hoards of walkers who will be "beating the bounds", walking around the parishes, in the sunshine, visiting the local churches and hostelries.
A traditional May Day Bank Holiday activity here - walkers welcome, start at LM at 9.30am with a bacon roll, finish at NW at 4.00pm for tea and a short informal service (me again!)

Home from Bicester on Friday, via Warwick for a cup of coffee and a potter.
A lazy day yesterday, or I've forgotten the exciting bits, which seems unlikely.
The most exciting bit was the new princess, who looked beautiful.
How did Kate look so great  ten hours later as she prepared to walk back to Kensington Palace?
Apparently, the "feel good" factor should aid The incumbent government.
Nothing in comparison with a quick look at the opposition and five minutes listening to either of the two Eds, I would have thought.
How many trees have been massacred in order to produce all of the electioneering material which, in the main, goes straight into the recycling bin?

Can anyone identify this gorgeous little pot, with frog, that I bought in Bicester?
Damaged, but irresistible.
Maker, J.B