Saturday, 14 July 2012


No, it hasn't been a dry day but the Lotus passed its MOT.
We took it to Kingsbury Garage early this morning then went on to Ventura Park to take on vittles for Sunday lunch, when the family are coming.
We pottered  a bit before coming home so i could write a sermon for Sunday.
The reading is Mark 6, the beheading of St John the baptist - a bit gruesome.
Fortunately, it is July 15, St Swithun's day (or Swithin), so I swotted up on him instead - Bishop of Winchester in the ninth century.
 He asked to be buried without pomp where the rain & the footfall of worshippers would fall on him, so he was buried just outside the West door of the Old Saxon Minster.
About a hundred years later, Ethelwold, the new pioneering Bishop of Winchester, set up a new community of Benedictine monks in the Old Minster &took Swithun as the  Patron Saint.
He moved the remains indoors, to an elaborate reliquary, attracting hoards of pilgrims who claimed miraculous healings.
There followed torrential rain for forty days, which gave rise to the legend that if there is rain/sunshine on St Swithun's day, there will be similar weather for the following 40 days.
Most saints' days are on the date of their death, St S's on the day his remains were moved!

We collected J & Th from school & had tea in McDonalds.
I must be getting better.
I also found time to buy a lacy dress in Beatties sale; perhaps I'll wear it tomorrow for the wedding.

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