Monday, 14 May 2012

Life goes on.

Still in the spare room as I have yet to make our bed up, having boiled everything washable in our bedroom.
Everything clean & tidy again but a temporary back door, with no panes, whilst a new, burglar-proof one is made.
G took me to tennis this morning, whilst he went to see the nurse for re-dressing of "mole-holes".
He dropped me at college for an hour, then we went into town, G to lunch with A whilst I plodded around the Jewellery Quarter, checking for any of our stuff & getting values.
Back in time to collect J & Th from school, tea then home for a Church Fund-raising Group meeting here - formalising some ideas from the last meeting: we're having all of the churches open one Saturday in September, serving different refreshments, with walks signed between them.
Just had JS curries & a sleep, now ready for bed.
College again tomorrow - I have some work to go through & some to return. Unfortunately, even the mot willing students only seem to work when you're with them, however easy you make it for them to complete assignments on their own.
They're all worthy of distinctions for excuses!

Still chilly here but much brighter today - when does summer start? 


William said...

If nobody goes to the churches on a Sunday, why should they give up valuable shopping time on a Saturday?

Anonymous said...

ha, Ha.
A little quit reflection & social time might do many far more good than yet more shopping time to increase the overdraught.
They might even find something meaningful if they gave up looking for a shopping bargain for an hour, Heaven forbid that I mention God!