Thursday, 10 May 2012


No tennis as I agreed to be in college to work with a student who is way behind with her work due to absence.
Firstly, I forgot to phone my tennis partners, then the student didn't show - said she was ill when I phoned.
The rest of the science students were in lessons so I worked in the library, on assignments, until 1.00pm when I went to a tutorial & worked with 4 students for a couple of hours - half an hour beyond their finish time - completing one assignment.
They want to work for another couple of hours this morning to complete another one, so in at 10.00am.
I've already done 6 hours this week, only down for 4, so will have to book them in for when I'm away, apparently.
How ridiculous.

Went to Knowle on the way home, to buy lovely bread at Curtis's - walnut for dinner & wholemeal.
Jan & Chris came to dinner - last chance for a chat  for a while.

I seem to be bored with Solihull, even with M&S, after being there a number of times a week for 3 weeks. I can't even find anything I want to buy.
That's really sad - perhaps it's an age thing!

Raining again, but a little warmer today.

Lovely photos of a very happy J on LWW>   


William said...

What no sausages from Lashfords?

Anonymous said...

You've eventually bought one of everything !

Anonymous said...

Do you know, I very nearly bought some for dinner - the first time I'd even considered it for years.

I haven
t bought any clothes from \\\\\M&S for ages - perhaps I've seen them all before.
Lots come from Vietnam, I may buy at source for peanuts.