Saturday, 10 December 2011

Mid Advent.

Church, church, church.
Another day from 9.00am until3.00pm, chatting & serving teas & cake.
Not as good a turnout as hoped for, but a lot of good contacts made/remade & more people expected tomorrow, tree decorators & families.
Eventually ate yesterday's dinner at tea time, had a nap & have just finished tomorrow's sermon.
Does anyone know the postage to USA, Australia & Sri Lanka.
I have stamps (86p???), but don't know if anything has changed.
On line is useless, or I am.
I can't find out & missed the PO.
Wrapping & cards to do.

Is David Cameron a hero?

Perhaps I need chocolate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PO rates a complete online mystery-well why promote the opposition ? but it would seem that once outside Europe the world is one large oyster,accessible by post at the same rate.
David Cameron is a hero to all but those who work at the BBC, to whom he appears as Lucifer leading us from the lost paradise of the EU.