Tuesday, 28 September 2010

There's only one F in OFSTED.....

There's only one F'in Ofsted

There's only one F'in Ofsted,

But that's quite enough for us.

If there's no F'in lesson plan,

There's one hell of an F'in fuss.

There's an F'in form to fill in,

For everything that's said.

There'll be no F'in future,

If that fails to please the Head.

Sounds like one F'in photocopier

Has died from overheat.

There's no F'in chance at all

To keep the worksheets neat.

There's no F'in inspector

When your lesson is first rate,

And there's no F'in good excuse

To explain why you were late.

There should be an F'in handbook

For everything to do.

Tell the R.I. you left it

For light reading in the loo.

There's no F'in parking space,

For half the F'in staff,

"RESERVED" for F'in Ofsted

Who have the last F'in larf.

There's no F'in spiritual,

Or cultural education.

No F'in equality,

But much in differentiation.

There's only one F'in Ofsted,

With its "Education Speak".

Thank God there's an F'in Friday

To end the F'in week.

All of those in education will remember this poem from the early days of OFSTED, when too many people put in two "Fs"

I think that there should now be a follow up, with the first line:

"There's only one L in Miliband"

Go for it, all of you aspiring (even published) poets out there.

We've had a busy day with Thomas & Jessie & taken their trampoline down for the winter.This wil leave the pigeons with nowhere for their sh...ing practice. Good.

I am not a fan of pigeons, but they are nowhere near as unpleasant as magpies.

G is still on painkillers, but improving.

I am working at KS tomorrow. Whoopdede

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