Sunday, 26 September 2010

Thanks for the harvest.

J, G & the family didn't materialise on Friday evening, due to a back problem & colds - I'm sure that J will know someone who can help!
The result was that G & I have had a great deal of choice for our meals this weekend & have a full freezer. We have enjoyed the company of P, J & T for lunch, & sent A a plated - up chicken dinner, minus sausage, as T ate them all!

Yesterday we had a relaxing day; a lie-in, trip to Coleshill,a few hours in the garden then a walk down Castle Lane, where we picked 3kg blackberries. Yesterday's Telegraph had a recipe for the perfect pudding - blackberry & pear crumble with an oat topping - ideal as we had some wonderful pears from JR's. It was very good, or I thought so.
JR's tree is dripping with really big luscious pears, we will pick more next week, then G will be into stewing & freezing.
We had a packed church for a united Harvest Festival this morning,a rare sight these days.
The average age is pretty well advanced, 70+, I would guess - I could have worked that out during the sermon if I'd thought about it.

We are watching "Downton Abbey" on ITV, written by Julian Fellowes, who wrote Gosforth Park. It 's brilliant. An "Upstairs Downstairs", in technicolour. Filmed at Highclere Castle in Berkshire.
The new Macdonalds bad isn't bad either - perhaps it's not new - we watch BBC usually.

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