Yesterday's title referred to the weather, not the photos.
G added those this morning, obviously feeling the need for more pity.
In 1, he is modelling the latest neoprene support added to his neoprene collection.
It matches his eyes, as they all do.
On to today, or yesterday as it now is. Having serviced G, waited for the postman to deliver his neoprene, fitted it & taken the required photos, I went to Coleshill to collect the latest G parcel (another watch - watch out W), then onto Solihull to shop.
JS had Green & Black's Easter eggs -75%, very cheap dark chocolate.
Home for a healthy, if late, lunch.
G has rested his leg today,& so he has not ventured downstairs. He is a bit more mobile & cheerful with his support & frozen corn on the cob!
4 DVDs later, whilst I've finished the ironing, G is asleep.
My legs ache, I think from the exercise - I counted 10 times up & down stairs before I went out, it must be 30 by now.
Perhaps I'll run around the reservoir in the morning.
I'm watching a documentary about women & alcohol.
Women over 50 & grannies are not old & past it!!
Exercise is good for you. Have you changed the name on the sponsor form yet to go to Zambia ?
Paid a gipsy in Leeds £3 for a 10p silver charm to be told I would move house, would have a blue car, should have had 5 children and will live to be 97. Am checking the bedrooms to see if I overlooked a child, but only remember 4.
Am planning for a long retirement.j
This was not included in the"for better or worse" bit - I do not think that 50 miles a day is within my remit.
I might manage it for one day.
Exercise presently is getting in & out of bed.
This was not included in the"for better or worse" bit - I do not think that 50 miles a day is within my remit.
I might manage it for one day.
Exercise presently is getting in & out of bed.
This was not included in the"for better or worse" bit - I do not think that 50 miles a day is within my remit.
I might manage it for one day.
Exercise presently is getting in & out of bed.
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