Shakespeare, that is.
We marked St Georges Day/ Shakespeare's birthday this year by visiting The Meridan hospital in Coventry for G to have an MRI scan & X-rays.
We parked right by the door & borrowed a very nice wheelchair for G's trip around.
There was a Costa Coffee just inside the door & a very pleasant lounge/waiting area.
A most agreeable experience all round. The magazines were crap.
Best laugh of the week, G reappearing from the MRI scan with his shirt mis-buttoned -a direct analogy with the elderly lady in the cardigan/first sign of senility.
Even the radiographer sensed that G rather liked being pushed by a woman. He still has me pushing/pulling him around the house on the office chair. To be honest & charitable, he does have a lot of pain from his groin & can barely stand up.
He is improving.
Yesterday we went to The Sports Injury Clinic at Sutton where G saw Mr Learmonth, one of the top men in shoulders & knees, who sent him for today's tests. He will be going back there for physiotherapy, next week.
Their wheelchair was second rate but the magazines were good.
When not being called upon to nurse, dress, chauffeur, feed, fetch & carry, I have cleaned & polished every inch downstairs, including polishing the silver (brass yet to do)
This is for two reasons: I have not cleaned for too long & we have the newly found American cousins coming to stay next week.
I am pleased with the results, apart from the pile of papers now in the study, awaiting placement.
The lawns are in desperate need of mowing - I may have to do them myself.
What about that budget?
Even A Darling didn't sound convinced.
Roll on scrappage, the Little Flying Pig passed it's MOT; maybe got the sympathy vote or just that good cleaners with own transport are hard to find. Do you think you are becoming more of a twitter than a blog, apart from the number of words.aj
What's the difference?
Somebody that I don't rate was described as the king twitter or something like that, so I've gone off twitting.
Can't remember who it was. Congratulations to the smallish, dawdling cavie, anyway. Apparently, some tales of garages dropping the discounts to allow for AD's gift to those in need of a car at the expense of those who don't.
C'est la vie!
A large mortgage & a 10 year old car would seem to be the order of the day.
Twitter - the minutia of life in under 140 letters.
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