Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Danger. Men at Work!

J and K have been hard at work on the tree house since 8.00 am - a glorious morning.
Full English served at 10.30 to keep up moral.
The roof is on, some fixtures and fittings and a pulley system for the ladder.
Of course, the sun went in as soon as I went out.
Sleeping bags next week?

The elixir of life!

Having spent all of Easter in bed with a chest infection, Coleshill Surgery closed for 3 days and not enough energy to go the 12 miles to a drop in centre, I took "Broncho Stop".
By Tuesday when I saw a doctor, my chest was clear.
I still have a cough but have lost over half a stone, so not all bed.

Mini has had a wash and will be leaving tomorrow after having won a lot of hearts.
Washing dried well and mostly in by tea time.

A new treasure with someone's name already on it - Lipcombe, I think, Temple Bar.
Little Toby jug is on his way to Canada, having sold very well.

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