Saturday, 6 December 2014

The first Christmas cake.

I made two Christmas cakes yesterday to serve at church this weekend during the Xmas Tree festival
I was up to marzipan and ice one of them, early this morning - no time  and insufficient marzipan to do both.
We have been at church all day, after a quick trip to Coleshill to buy stolen, panetone and chocolate logs - no time to make everything.
We had visitors all day and helpers to make the tea, giving time to chat to the visitors, who loved the decorated trees and praised the Christmas cake - all gone.
We're delighted with the day and the pleasure that it gave to people.
I now have to prepare tomorrow's sermon and ice the other cake ready for tomorrow.
Do visit, if you are able, after 3.00pm when the lights look really good as the daylight fails.
We shall aim to keep the church open on Sundays until Christmas - a shame not to.

So what is the favourite Xmas card this year - the robin, as far as I can discover.
That doesn't seem very likely.
I'm sure that it won't be any of the party leaders! 

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