Wednesday, 26 February 2014

"Morning Glory".

Jacqui Lawson cards sent me their latest e card yesterday -  a rather charming humming bird taking nectar from a flower, entitled "Morning Glory"
I forwarded it to a number of friends with an uplifting message.
I have had a number of odd replies and am now aware that this was a poor choice.

Aj and I are both well dosed on cough mixture, which has enabled us to have a bracing day out, returning stuff to Knowle and collecting my mobile phone from Solihull.
There was a long wait in the phone shop, the assistant put my Sim card back in, but it takes more than that to make it work, I now know.
As I've been without my phone for a month. since it died whilst on the cruise, I'm sure that I 'll manage a little longer.
We had coffee in Pret and pottered around the shops for a while - all very relaxed - still home  in time for a late lunch of soup and "Escape to the Country".

I've ordered wallpaper samples to narrow down the search for wallpaper for the kitchen - Sanderson or Morris are both in the running  - sunny and floral, trailing!
As I don't intend to decorate again until I'm 82, the cost will be well spread out.

There seems to be little uplifting in the news tonight, one can't even claim to be dyslexic any more
  1. (dyslexia is an anagram of "daily sex" - a fact pointed out by a fellow passenger on Discovery, last year. Don't ask!)

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