Thursday, 20 February 2014

Foreign flu.

Aj's bug must be one not previously encountered as she seems unable to shake it off.
Now suffering for five days, sweating, coughing, sneezing and snoring, though not necessarily all at the same time.
I know that it's serious as she's not really eaten since Saturday, although I did persuade her to eat a slice of the chocolate cake that I made for a meeting here tonight.
I seem to have the cough and lethargy, but not too bad.
I have achieved little today, apart from looking after chick and posting the gas and electricity meter readings to Scottish Power - only £36 in debit, which can't be bad for February.
Being frugal with the heating and scant use of the cooker, dishwasher, washing machine and iron has paid dividends - doing less housework and wearing layers is the way forward!
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a healthier day.

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