Monday, 7 January 2013


Does anyone know what this is,how to permanently remove it or where my spellcheck has gone? We have been to the pictures, the second time in three days. This is a lifetime record. G was disappointed in "Quartet" on Saturday - too many old people, predicting our own eventual decline. This time we saw "Impossible", the story of a family caught up in the tsunami on 26 dec 2004 - not high on the probability list for our future! It was a real weepy, only made bearable by the prior knowledge that the whole family survived, against all the odds. Another excellent film, even trailers for others that G fancies - "Die Hard" being the only one I can recall. This morning I played tennis whilst G moved timber in the field, before going to see Peter & Judith. G had volunteered to do some odd jobs & then take P to the airport, then we went on to Solihull, had a coffee, then on to the flicks. No eggs today - hens have lost all sense of gratitude! Weather has been mild & dry - work to finish in the garden tomorrow, if it's still dry, otherwise I shall attack the New Year ironing mountain.

1 comment:

William said...

maybe it's gone to the same place as the return key?