Tuesday, 8 January 2013


We have had holes in the wood in the field for many years, diagnosed as rabbit burrows by friends. i have doubted this for two reasons: *I never see any rabbits in the field *the size of the holes. I had favoured foxes, but have to doubt this on two counts: *no smell. *three healthy chickens free ranging in the field & spending a lot of time in the wood. We have now settled on badgers. From internet research, they seem to tick most of the boxes - large D-shaped holes, now taking bedding materials in. We haven't found the badger WC......yet. A new hole appears almost weekly - large amounts of soil excavated. We now want to find a way of spotting them - I've done a number of late-night sorties, to no avail. We gardened/fielded this morning - heavy tidying; G built a grand bonfire from tree & shrub prunings, bracken & waste card/paper. After a bacon sandwich I rested up & then attacked the ironing mountain - the largest for years. Later, having waited for the rain, I did a sortie around the village to deliver Xmas tree decorations from the church trees & letters inviting folk to our Burn's Night celebration on 25 Jan - proceeds to Sh church. Get in touch if you want to join us for haggis, neeps & tatties, with a wee dram & a host of homemade Scottish delicacies.


William said...

They are extremely shy apparently.
What about a night vision web cam. George would love that!

Anonymous said...

How much?

William said...

No idea, try google or amazon

Anonymous said...

Amazon...yukky poo poo