Thursday, 9 February 2012

Cold, cold, cold.

It seems to have been freezing for weeks now, necessitating wearing lots of clothes, even in the house.
We had a meeting last night & had the kitchen radiator on full power & anothet heater on as well so that those coming from over-heated homes would not suffer.
All four churches were meant to have been represented, to discuss joint activities, including celebrating the Queen's Jubilee.
OW couldn't make it & LM didn't turn up.
Oh well, you can only try.

It has been quiet today.
G went shopping this morning whilst I did noisy housework.
G bought soup for lunch, then I went to Tom Wilson's to a Christian Aid meeting with a guy from the B'ham office - two hours in a laid back rocking chair, trying to sit up & look intelligent/interested/awake.

Apparently there is 3in of snow in York; it's not got here yet.
I have a flight to catch early on Sat morning so I am hoping that the snow misses us so there won't be any hold ups.
I have clothes piled on the spare bed, awaiting a re-count.
I bought a grey cashmere polo neck sweater this week, having found that a silky base layer under a cashmere is amazingly warm & cosy.
No doubt I should be wearing fleece layers.

Lady Godiva is going from Coventry to London for the Olympics, being transported there  by a team of cyclists, attached to a massive framework.
Raleigh, I  surmise.


Anonymous said...

Pedal powered by 120 people. cost£2.5m - 50% donated rest commercial sponsorship!
6m high figure (clothed!)10mph max speed.
built by an aerospce co in Cov.

Anonymous said...

Don't know where the 3ins of snow was in York, a reporter gave the impression he was standing next to the A64 and there was no traffic just snow.On my drive there was no traffic but only 1 in of snow.Came home on the bus today;full of loonies, thats why it's best avoiding public transport !
The idea of an naked inflatable Lady Godiva floating above 120 cyclists from Coventry to London sounds grotesquely obscene.