Wednesday, 13 August 2008

I Ringsted.

Right, so this world traveller is now using foreign titles, & it only took two advisors to achieve this.(It is not a typo!)
W & MK both have new cameras so every faux pas will be recorded!
Yesterday we went to Holbaek, on the coast & had a great fish lunch. The weather was indifferent, very wet, actually, so we scuppered plans to take a ferry to the little island, where it was also raining, & drove home along a W cycle route, to check out architecture.
Today we went to the outlet centre to buy shoes for J - a short story in itself - then to the DIY shops to purchase garage roof necessities.
After lunch I went on the garage roof to cut down the overhanging willow branches, clear the piles of composting leaves & clear the gutter. W has decided that if it can hold me, then it may have a few years left in lt!
Thank you God!!
The Heavens opened whilst I was up there, so I eventually withdrew, soaked to the skin.
W & MK have since returned to the DIY shops to return this mornings purchases!
J has just had a !pants incident" whilst sitting next to me, so I have had a second soaking for the day.

Dinner calls, homemade lasagne & salad with T & B, who send warm regards to the UK clan.


Anonymous said...

These young people, they're all for throwing away stuff thats got a good hundred years left in it. That garage will outlast the entire population of Ringsted and probably a nuclear holocaust; it would make a good sub-let for Rip van Winkle.

Anonymous said...

It would certainly make an admirable nuclear fallout shelter if ever there is conflict with Russia regarding ownership of the North Pole.
I understand that vintage roofing felt is practically impervious!