Back to normal - "whatever that is" as I recall Prince Charles saying many years ago.
I don't recall much else he has said, something about a "carbuncle on the face of the National Gallery", referring to JS, but that's it.
Catching up with e mails and housework on Tuesday.
Coffee with JT at Ventura Park on Wednesday + sale shopping, home in time for the delivery of the new bed for the winter quarters.
Brilliant, Seally bed - salesman claims that Barak Obama sleeps on one - with built in topper over the pocket springs, yet to be tested as it needs to breathe and I need an electric mattress cover before making it up, perhaps/
Trip to Leamington and Kenilworth with k on Thursday, including a very satisfactory shop in Waitrose - lots of half price offers on things I needed/wanted.
Yesterday we cleaned the church and I baked cakes, ready for the Open/Bridal Weekend.
B arrived for lunch and swept around the house, mending everything in his path - tumble drier timer (failed 4 years ago), hot water tap washer (12 months) and the leak in a water pipe in the roof which has caused a large brown patch on the newly decorated ceiling in the study since Christmas.
This last one still to be completed as I failed on he blowtorch front, to be put right this morning.
He's threatening to do the wardrobe shelf (18 months), but that may be a step too far .
I have to be at church to let the florist, baker, photographer and beautician in to do their displays, then home to fill the cakes (ran out of icing sugar), then back to serve teas until 4.00pm.
Same again tomorrow - I hope we have a good turnout as OW is open as well, so big effort all round.
Friends for dinner tonight - slow cook Persian spiced lamb from Waitrose, must sneak away to put it in.
I don't recall much else he has said, something about a "carbuncle on the face of the National Gallery", referring to JS, but that's it.
Catching up with e mails and housework on Tuesday.
Coffee with JT at Ventura Park on Wednesday + sale shopping, home in time for the delivery of the new bed for the winter quarters.
Brilliant, Seally bed - salesman claims that Barak Obama sleeps on one - with built in topper over the pocket springs, yet to be tested as it needs to breathe and I need an electric mattress cover before making it up, perhaps/
Trip to Leamington and Kenilworth with k on Thursday, including a very satisfactory shop in Waitrose - lots of half price offers on things I needed/wanted.
Yesterday we cleaned the church and I baked cakes, ready for the Open/Bridal Weekend.
B arrived for lunch and swept around the house, mending everything in his path - tumble drier timer (failed 4 years ago), hot water tap washer (12 months) and the leak in a water pipe in the roof which has caused a large brown patch on the newly decorated ceiling in the study since Christmas.
This last one still to be completed as I failed on he blowtorch front, to be put right this morning.
He's threatening to do the wardrobe shelf (18 months), but that may be a step too far .
I have to be at church to let the florist, baker, photographer and beautician in to do their displays, then home to fill the cakes (ran out of icing sugar), then back to serve teas until 4.00pm.
Same again tomorrow - I hope we have a good turnout as OW is open as well, so big effort all round.
Friends for dinner tonight - slow cook Persian spiced lamb from Waitrose, must sneak away to put it in.
Tumble drier click was a failure- it turns but never turns off!
Nothing ventured..............
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