Monday, 21 July 2014

Summer continued............

We played tennis in almost ideal conditions this morning, home to change and then to The Bull at Furnace End for lunch to spend the tennis ball kitty that builds up over the year - delicious meals, very well presented and a bargain as they have two for one deals, seemingly all of the time.
Now home again and trying to feel energetic - eating at lunch time is not really a good idea if you want to achieve anything in the afternoon!

Lazy weekend - friend for dinner on Friday evening and stayed up far too late so tired on Saturday and, added to the fact that it rained on and off for most of the day, I really didn't do much apart from vacuuming up the dead flies and some ironing.
Walked to church yesterday in the sunshine and saw lots of tiny toads crossing Moat House Lane, from R to L, for about half a mile - smaller than bumble bees.
Friends for lunch and tea hence there's the remains of a Malteser cake to be avoided/given away.

Very warm and muggy this afternoon, I shall wash the cars.....shortly!

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