Friday, 5 April 2013

How cold?

I arrived home yesterday afternoon, kept my down coat on until bedtime as the boiler wouldn't light & tha house was really cold. Still is! Too cold for a J & Th sleepover, so I went to them today, P will drop them off in the morning as I have to be in for the boiler man. I've had a fire this evening but am now out .of logs as G has padlocked the shed & I don't have a key. Had a lovely, lazy day with J & Th - stayed in & did things as it was so cold out. Surely the weather should be warming up by now. I sahall have a hot bath & put the washing on tomorrow evening & turn the heating up high. i may even get round to eating. Up far too late & I can't open the clock in here to put it on an hour. What was it that Zebedee said?

1 comment:

William said...

double click on the clock to change it and for goodness sake start going to bed at a normal time. You will not be able to sleep if you've been staring at a screen just before bed either.