I used a shop till for the first time today - running the village shop for a couple of hours.
I bought a few items before any customers came, to practise using the till, then served the three customers - not busy in the mornings - quite efficiently.
I did read a bit of Sir William Dugdale's biography, "Settling the Bill".
It is fascinating - the family made their money from the local coal mines after Grandfather overspent on Merevale.
I've been lazy since getting home - did most of the T crossword, watched some TV, did some polishing, made a stew and a chocolate cake.
G has been in the Lotus all day - it's getting there.
I've been to an Almshouses meeting this evening - it's cool, wet and windy out.
Just watched Hotel GB - quite good.
Weight down another couple of pounds - hope it continues for a while/another stone!
I bought a few items before any customers came, to practise using the till, then served the three customers - not busy in the mornings - quite efficiently.
I did read a bit of Sir William Dugdale's biography, "Settling the Bill".
It is fascinating - the family made their money from the local coal mines after Grandfather overspent on Merevale.
I've been lazy since getting home - did most of the T crossword, watched some TV, did some polishing, made a stew and a chocolate cake.
G has been in the Lotus all day - it's getting there.
I've been to an Almshouses meeting this evening - it's cool, wet and windy out.
Just watched Hotel GB - quite good.
Weight down another couple of pounds - hope it continues for a while/another stone!
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