Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Ovaltine is 105Ccalories per cup, I noted last night, whilst the kettle boiled.
It may be worth 50 Cals, but not 105.
Tidied & cleaned the house from top to bottom yesterday, going out to lunch with the tennis ladies in between times, as in cleaned - showered & did the Cinderella bit - lunch - home - did the Cinderella at midnight bit - cleaned - cooked dinner - ate - slept.
Hence no blog.
Stuck on easy crossword again:
Chicken    - - - c - t
Aggressive   p - - - -
Custom     - - a - e

G at G Eliot, I'm about to make simnel cakes for Sunday/church.
I may make gingerbread as that will keep/improve, then make sponges on Saturday.
Cooler today but pleasant.

Do try the disgusting sounding Philadelphia cheese with chocolate - I only bought it because Jennifer saunders is an intelligent woman.
It's relly good, lower fat than butter & less dangerous than red meat, apparently!
Enjoy your day.

PS  spellcheck makes "Simnel into "Seminal"
Now that could be an interesting cake.


Anonymous said...

custom - usage
aggressive - pugil ?
chicken - you are looking for something in a foreign language

William said...


Gill said...

It was pullet - a mistake somewhere!