Friday, 11 June 2010

Friday, again.

We've had a lovely day with Thomas & Jessie, part time.
We walked Jessie to school & then on to the park where Thomas must have spent the best part of an hour on the swings, receiving instruction on how to swing, solo.
He's getting there.
We then pottered along the Stratford road whilst G went to Aldi, into M&S for a treat & pizza for lunch, then home. Gardening, lunch in the garden, trampolining, snoozing, mowing, etc.
Thomas woke G from his post-luncheon nap with his horn; G rose several inches from his seat!
I have a football cake to make for Thomas's birthday party on Sunday, can you believe that you can't buy a miniature set of goals & players in the midst of all this football mania?
Home & tired - it must be age-related, sit down/fall asleep.
The only answer is to keep on the go all day.
I wish to boast that I did all but 4 clues in the Telegraph crossword yesterday; I may have done more if I hadn't had a wrong answer, "language teacher" instead of "exchange teacher".
A long way to go to compete with aj though.

How about "The Junior Apprentice" finals?
Surely Tim deserved to win, having masterminded the final triumph.
Zoe was never in with a chance, Lord Sugar did point out the failings in her character some weeks ago. Would anyone ever want to work with that egotistical, self-centred, selfish little madam. So young as well. God knows what she'll be like when she reaches puberty.

Don't miss the ITV advertisement with David Gwalliams, Fabrio Capello & co.
Come on England!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Friday already.

Well, it didn't, return to summer that is.
A little chilly with violent showers.
I've worked hard today - taught four lessons, including a two hour afternoon with bottom year 9 maths, & written most of my year 7 reports, ready for going on line. The system was down today, so I couldn't have done it myself anyway.
Lots of jobs to do tomorrow, including a blood test to check my medication. I shall make time for a coffee in M&S, courtesy of aj.

John Prescott was on Radio 4 this morning, discussing brown field developments with Zac Goldsmith.
What a rude, ignorant man he is. How can he be a Lord?

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Wet & chilly.

Well that was most of the day, by the time I left school at 5.00pm it was 21 degrees, then a pleasant evening.
G has a cold - he thought that it was something more serious yesterday, but seems to be just a man cold. Daniel grommets & a snot torrent would seem to be a possible cure, but I haven't suggested a home remedy, yet.
I've had a good day - 3 maths & 2 science lessons, followed by a year 9 revision class (GCSE maths exams start in year 9, even for the bottom set)
I did a bargain M&S food shop yesterday so we have just eaten some delicious fresh scampi with salad followed by chicken & bean casserole & the ubiquitous low calorie chocolate mousse.
We are watching "Coast" - the West coast of Scotland. It looks wonderful.
I had a very mature telephone conversation with T this evening, describing an experiment he had done at school & what he had "founded out".

One more day this week, during which I hope to get most of year 7 reports done - thankfully, a small class as it is the bottom set. Three sizeable paragraphs for each report:
-attitude to learning
-subject comment
-future actions
I am writing them out & shall put what I can on the computer, someone else can complete this task as I have insufficient time in school & will not stay beyond 5.00pm. So there!

Perhaps the summer will return tomorrow.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

That was half term.

We have finished the holiday week in the style that it started - flat out.
I spent Wednesday & Thursday with T & KP.
We went to Oxford on the train, on Wed, to the Science Centre, followed by lunch at Pizza hut, then back to the station for trainspotting & home.
This was such a hit that we went back on Thursday to visit the Ashmolean museum, see some sights, lunch at MacDonald's, then back to the station for some trainspotting & home.
T & KP were such good company & behaved so well; T is now a train buff & is a human timetable for platform 3, Oxford station.
G & I spent Friday with Jessie & Thomas - a picnic in Brueton Park, ice cream in MacDonald's (too hot to eat ice cream outside), to the playground then home for G to erect the trampoline, which was very popular with everyone.
J & T were great fun.
Rev Di has been with her Mother as she has undergone hip & shoulder replacements, so I took Mattins at NW followed by a baptism at Shustoke, this required a good deal of preparation on Saturday, but I did manage a little shopping in Solihull whilst G went to P & A's to do some jobs.
Time flies when you're shopping
An excellent week all round, so I'm all set up for three days at school.

M&S has all of it's detergents half price - they are very good.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Today's adventure.

We arrived home last night after three days with JR, seeing the sights.
We visited Audley End House (NT) on Sunday afternoon to see the newly opened stables. Highlight of the visit was JR's use of a motorised wheel chair,; G & I walked either side as he admitted to not feeling totally in control, possibly due to his very poor vision.
We visited Southwold on Monday, warranting a photo in the Telegraph on Tuesday.
The highlight was the fresh fish & chips on the quay.
Yesterday we visited Haverill in the morning & Bury St Edmunds in the afternoon for JR to buy a sports jacket. We found an excellent gentlemans' outfitters in Bury who did JR proud, at great expense.

I am sitting on the new settee at B & E's, with T & KP, planning an adventure in Oxford.
We are catching the train at 10.30am, doing a little shopping, perhaps, before visiting the science museum & lunch - day planned by T.