Tuesday, 2 December 2008

White rabbits + 1

Another busy day.
I put a note on the front door, directing all deliveries to the back door, just in case W is still shopping, then we went out.
Actually, I had a phone call from Aga yesterday, saying that I had won a food mixer in their draw at the Food Show at the NEC, & it would be delivered shortly.
I'm really delighted. I just hope that it's not a wooden spoon!

We got up at a gentle pace & then went to Kenilworth, where MK, J & DK scampered around the castle whilst I went to Sainsburys to shop.A bag of iced buns assured that we got home without anyone fainting from hunger.
We pottered around home for what remained of the afternoon, played with the boys, wrapped presents, watched J's DVDs & ironed.
DK has fluffy fly-away hair, having enjoyed a bath with J & a kick-about without his boots on.

Manchester tomorrow, so we are hoping for the weather to warm up a little. We shall take a picnic lunch to eat in the cafeteria.
The hospital food looks very unhealthy!

I need to make a dental appointment to repair the tooth that broke last night.
I fear that my own Dundee cake may have been to blame but I have officially blamed the seeds in the loaf


William said...

Someone once told me that you shouldn't eat bread with seeds in for exactly that reason. I don't think the advice went as far as avoiding cake though.

Anonymous said...

It was Grandad - he always blamed seeded bread for breaking his teeth.

William said...

Has this blog died?