Wednesday, 24 December 2008

A Happy & Peaceful Christmas to you all.

I'm back.
G & I have just spent a fascinating week in Egypt, sailing from Luxor to Aswan & back.
We put up the outdoor lights & the Christmas tree, made up the beds & cleaned before we left, leaving only the shopping, dusting & decorating to do.
That was yesterday & most of today taken care of.
The house gleams (almost), the tree glitters, the table is laid for lunch & there is a large M&S turkey in the laundry fridge so all's pretty well with the world.
Actually, I'm a bit cold but haven't lit a fire as it will then be ready for tomorrow.
I'm watching the Christmas service from Kings College whilst I prepare tomorrow's family service for Nether Whitacre (11.00am)
We shall be going to the midnight service later, to celebrate the start of Christmas proper.
I hope to stuff the turkey & wrap the chipolatas in bacon before then.
I've been asleep for about an hour, so there's a fair chance of success there - I should stay awake!

I hope that you all have a lovely Christmas day with good company & that lunch goes well.

I shall post some holiday photos later.

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