Tuesday, 9 October 2007


Well what can I do, following a denial , from my most stern critic, of interest in ownership of a watch made of rusty "steel" with a "coal face", for a modest £75,000 ($150,000, he he) & an appeal for more holiday photos..........

I love this picture of KP - you have to smile back. Obviously no spiders about!

And this one of Oscar, having a snack. What a cutie!

This is the cloisters of the Presbyterian Church on Michigan Ave - just down from the Water Tower. For those with good eyesight, the tower is "The Whitehall Hotel", home to aj & me for three nights. (in a big bed)

This was "Alberts", Catch's local restaurant, two blocks from West Oak street, where we ate with Catch on each visit. We always walked there & back.

It has changed hands, now "52". No longer a greek patisserie. (or whatever it should be called). Shame.

And this is Milton Engel, Catch's friend & colleague of 60 years, now officially, a "Surrogate Catch"

I have to admit that it is 3.15pm & I am sitting on the settee, with the TV on.

In my defence, it has rained very hard until about an hour ago.

I've done the ironing & have had two 'phone calls offering me jobs & arranged a visit to discuss one of them.

Talk me out of it!


William said...

Don't start another job unless it is very well paid and very low stress and work hours. Remember how happy you were to stop the last one? You don't need to do it, so unless you really want to, then forget it!

Anonymous said...

KP is definitely the cutest pie in the pie shop!