They all hold very fond memories for G & me.
We shared these& many more with Catch: he was impressed with laptops!
Catch's childhood home in Whitlingham, Norfolk. Visited with John Rex 2003
The ruined church opposite Tower Cottages, childhood playground.
The barns at Whitlingham Farm, where Catch's "father" was responsible for the horses - another playground & school for all things equestrian, knowledge useful at Berkeley when working on horse gestation.
Catch in US Navy in WW2. He worked on decompression sickness.
Walking to "Alberts", on Elm st. I hope I only had a salad & no desert!
They have to offer you a huge amount of money to do very little work - otherwise don't take it, we are just getting used to you not working.
Good with all the pictures, very interesting.
I hadn't read MKs comment before I made mine, but it seems that we have the same thoughts on the subject!
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