Monday, 17 December 2012

Monday, monday.

We've had a good weekend - a final shop on Saturday morning, followed by an afternoon of cooking - Gordon Ramsey's winter beef casserole (bouef bourginone with small cubes of celeriac & carrots; spelling looks dodgy!), fresh raspberry trifle & creme caramel.
G prepared the vegetables on Sunday morning whilst I made the other puds -steamed ginger sponge, chocolate & banana bread & butter pud & apple crumble.
Twenty five of us for lunch, which was scrummy & went very well, making £240 for sh church.
We left the clearing up & went to the Christingle service at NW at 4.00pm, then home to put the house in order & collapse on the settee.

We woke at 8.30am - complaint from the chickens, but two eggs during the day.
I played tennis, came home to shower , then we went to Solihull to collect J & Th from school & cook tea. J's school disco this evening - a real disco babe!

Home to eat the remains of yesterday's meal & give a little thought to Sunday's sermon - Advent 4, Mary/love.
One source tells me that it wasn't known where babies came from in Biblical times, so a virgin birth didn't mean a lot??


William said...

surely someone had seen enough babies popping out to realise that there was a pattern emerging.
As to how they got there in the first place, well that's another matter...

Anonymous said...

As the Egyptians were practising contraception hundreds of years earlier, had the Jews not reached that part of the syllabus, or did Mary want a council flat ?

Anonymous said...

Think I may have to rethink that bit.