Sunday, 31 July 2016

Whitacres and Shustoke Show, brill!

Wonderful weather, crowds of lovely people, hardly any litter on the field at the end of the day, which we ended sitting, hot and weary, with a cold beer, on straw bales listening to the band,

First Prize for my Victoria Sandwich - hurray.
Third prize for a slightly over baked shortbread, but outdone by K, virgin baker.....

Because......he won equal best exhibit in the domestic classes and even a monetary prize!

Will he ever exceed that moment of glory?

At home, the hanging baskets look better than ever and .......

last year's geranium is amazing.

Another lovely, sunny day and dinner The Bull planned for this evening, after a day unpacking from yesterday's bric a brac stall.
Beat that.

1 comment:

William said...

think you should get all of these names etc off the blog