Sunday, 24 July 2016

When size does matter........

Two items from the back of a drawer, just sold on e bay.
So which would you think fetched the better price?

A pen nib by J Perry, one of the foremost pen makers of his day

or a lucky charm sold by Petulengro, King of the Gypsies, early Twentieth Century.

Base metal, unfortunately!

It's a whopper 12cm long nib and just fetched £113.57 at auction!
It's off to France tomorrow.

Anybody want a set of antique drawer pulls with back plates.
Lots to choose from.
The best set to surface so far, are heavy cast brass with Aphrodite on the back plates.
Not flying off the shelves......yet!

Up early, enjoying the cool before getting up for church.
No services to take today, so no rush.

Lawn to finish mowing, the ride on mower is revolting, 3 hours in the sun with the smaller "walk behind and empty the box every 1.5 lengths of the lawn" mower, and still not finished.
Field and outside still to do!
How many pen nibs to buy a new mower?

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