All the excitement of Wimbledon over for another year -what a match!
The diet started yesterday, doing well until we ate with friends last night - salmon and salad followed by a mouthwatering strawberry and cinnamon torte (BBC Good Food), which was full of wonderful things and well worth the effort.
Today, I must do the housework.
It's nearly midday and I have yet to make contact with a duster.
Activities have been housework related- finding the Best Buycordless vacuum cleaner on the "Which" site - the Dyson V6 apparently, £149 at John Lewis, but on visiting their site, it was the D6 mattress vacuum at that price.
Who on earth needs a special mattress vacuum cleaner?
What's wrong with the upholstery attachment on the normal vacuum?
Having set my mind on £149, I cannot bring myself to spend £245, so shall have to search all over again.....sometime.
8 e bay sales packed and ready to go to the Post Office and a delivery of Size 4 Jiffy Bags (large letter rather than small parcel, 50 for £10.69), so all set for a rush, if it comes.
Two services yesterday, Sh in church followed by OW in their churchyard, as no one had a key.
A much better alternative, around a bench, in the sunshine, The Good Samaritan much better preached off the cuff!
Garden looking good, field mowed yesterday afternoon, leaving the far side for the bees.
I have invested in a bag of wild flower seeds to plant in the autumn, after a gentle mow.
Lawns still to do but the mower was in a mood....
Last year's geranium, thriving.
Honeysuckle all over the house with flowers all over.
Moles all over the place - time to call in Arthur!
Tubs blooming.
No Ironing to do......yet!
Dk' balloons thriving!