Saturday, 11 June 2016

Go for it Wales!

Awaiting the start of the Wales match, everything crossed!

Yesterday we went to the Quiz Evening for Lea Marston Church, all good fun.
Despite having eight in our six man team, we only came about eighth out of about fifteen.
The scores were pretty close anyway.

Beforehand we had loaded the van with Yard Sale stuff and collected tables, ready to go to the Car Boot Sale at Middleton this morning.
A proper car boot, as far as I know, having only been to three others - lots of cars and small pitches rather than a sea of big white vans and market traders.
We sold from 6.00 - 10.30am then packed up as it was starting to rain, came home, cooked bacon sandwiches and fell asleep.
We did quite well and may add a few more boxes and go to another tomorrow whilst it is all loaded anyway.
Great to off load stuff especially when you exchange it for money and have satisfied customers, pleased with their bargains.
I wouldn't want to do more than one a year!
Dinner at The Bull at Furnace End to celebrate (and no meal planned!)

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