Tuesday, 17 May 2016


A glorious day, to be spent in the garden.
Our resident pheasant was sitting under the bird table, his usual spot, I suspect one of his mistresses has a nest in the undergrowth there.
He ambled off when I went to take a photo!

The sweet peas are on the way up.

Geraniums in the tubs, no good large plants so small ones, feeding well and hoping...

A new acquisition, about to be filled and planted with strawberries.

Dad's favourite rhododendron in full flower.
The yew trees strangling it and now about 20' high, are planned to go this year.
The wisteria is looking good, photos later.


William said...

you're not going to get many puddings out of the strawberries in that chimney pot!

Gill said...

Who wants puddings?