Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Chipping Norton.......

almost perfect, apart from the parking ticket that was on the car when I got back to the car park.
I was parked neatly in a bay, which did have double yellow lines across the front, which extended across the front of the next car, which didn't have a ticket.
I really don't know why I had a ticket.

Anyway, we did a grand tour of the outskirts of the town, including Church Lane and the magnificent church, St Mary's, pottered around the shops, including a couple of charity shops and had lunch.
All that and back in Bicester in time to meet KP at school.

I have since sent an e mail to parkingwestoxon and checked e bay - 3 sales today, a silver bracelet, crystal paperweight and a bisque figure.
Hey ho!
Will cover the parking fine!

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