Friday, 18 December 2009

Was it an albatros?

Today a large bird soared alongside the ship for some hours, occasionally diving for a fish.
It looked like a penguin with big wings.
I do know that this is unlikely.
We are in the Arabian Sea, one night's sailing from Mumbai, where we dock in about 12 hours.
At 15 knots, that must be 180 knots, whatever a knot is!
We have had two days at sea, which is very relaxing - breakfast, walk a mile around the very top fore deck (18 laps), sit in the sun & read/chat, lunch, sit in the sun, choir practice, gym, each for an hour, change for dinner at 8.30pm.
I'm sure that aj & MM would love this lifestyle - we have some brill web-sites to check out for amazing deals - cheaper than hibernating, with the heating & the moonboots on!

We have just performed our concert to a packed house. It went very well & was great fun.
I am already dressed so am blogging whilst G is in the gym.
We are on board tomorrow night after a day in Mumbai, then we disembark on Sunday morning & have two nights in a local hotel before flying to Cochin.
Some passengers are staying on for the next "leg", to Singapore, quite a few are staying in India for Christmas.
Some passengers apparently did not have Indian visas & had to disembark at Muscat.
I don't know how that happened as visas were checked on boarding.

We were told that there was snow at home - make the most of it. It's no big deal for the Danes, is it.
I hope that BHX isn't closed on 27th!
G wonders if the grandchildren will remember him - will you show them the odd photo of him, but not just before bed!
We are both quite brown, but he doesn't have a beard, so that will help.
It seems an age since we left home, but it's only 3 weeks, tomorrow.
It will be nice to be on land, able to walk in any direction for more than 20 metres & not recognise nearly everyone that you see.
We had lobster thermidore last night - do you know any good jokes about that?

I'm reading W's new James Bond novel, which is good & obviously written with film potential.
Very typical Bond stuff.

It may be difficult to blog when we disembark - I'm not sure how up to date they are with communications in Mumbai!!

Enjoy the snow.


Anonymous said...

Great to see an update and that you're having a good time!
Tell Dad not to worry - Thomas has been talking about Grandad George being on holiday (so out of sight doesn't mean out of mind!)
It seems AGES since we saw you - will be pleased when you're home!
Speak to you soon
Love Px

Anonymous said...

Didn't think I had anything in common with Marilyn Monroe, hopefully I am a little livelier, she having been deceased for a good few years now.
Hope it was a penguin affected by global warming that you saw (although penguins are flightless as any science teacher will know) as albatrosses are supposed to be unlucky(re;The Ancient Mariner).aj

Anonymous said...



"got any ice crems_"

Anonymous said...

I thought that Albert Ross was a fellow passenger.


Anonymous said...

Albert was shipped home at the first stop. He kept falling over.
Actually bird later identified as a booby! Plenty of those on board - mostly oversized aged and saggy. G

Anonymous said...

aj - you & Marg Mard & M have many similarities!

Anonymous said...

aj - you & Marg Mard & M have many similarities!