Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Kingfisher flys south in winter

Great visit to Coloba fishing village about 3 roads down from Mumbai Hotel a.m. - real community - but massive contrast to CBD only across the way.
'Cooltaxi' to airport and a Kingfisher flight to Mangalore and Kochi. 'Sitig II' drove us from airport to Arches hotel Cochin in the dark to gs amazement . Got here in one piece.
Hotel great and only c.30c. historic tour today nad culture show etc . Move to homestay tomorrow for xmas celebrations . All seems to be happening too fast now - should have stayed longer. (?).
An indian j is kicking off at pres. same body language- (under breakfast table in defiant mood - him not me!).
Will try to blog tonight as may be last cahnce before Christmas.


Anonymous said...

No comments yet, so Happy Christmas as may not get to a pc tomorrow! G & g

Anonymous said...

Happy Xmas! Can't make head nor tail of your blog it's like a different language, as were most of the comments.OEJD

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Christmas !
As you can imagine our two are beyond excitement!! We're off to the start of the celebrations later - Ava's 2nd birthday party!
Hope to speak to you soon.
Love to you both

Anonymous said...

Picked up the turkey at 7am this morning, they were giving away cake and mince pies to the customers in exchange for their life savings to buy the turkey. Cherie and Tony had sent a Christmas card, apparently he is one of their customers. Hmm.
The pigs are in their blankets, the mince pies are made, all done by KP and T. They are an angel and a king at the church nativity later today. Husband despatched to buy icing sugar and has been gone for hours.
Happy Christmas!
E, B T and KP