Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Godwin Hotel Mumbai - Tues 22 Dec.

Using the computer in the dining room at breakfast -
on modem, by my right hand.
Arived Sat - did the town, back to ship to slep.
Disembarked on Sun - 2 hour taxi ride around sights, then on fot.
Carol service at Weslian church in centre at 5.0pm, power cut, started at 5.40pm, sound system a failure.
Walked miles yesterday, did the souks - amazing!!!
Just of walking to local fishing vilage.
Flight to Cochin at 2.35pm
Love & kises.
This keyboard has a problem or two - wont do double leters at al - no time to corect.


Anonymous said...

Panto in Henley on Thames with friends snowed off for us today, it is like a skating rink on the roads of Bicester and the main road to Henley snowed in yesterday! T has got his Christmas stocking out already. I've managed to buy a turkey which will feed us into 2011, and I've had to remortgage the house in the process. B asked why I didn't just say it was far too big and far too expensive. I have no idea!! Perhaps we will have everyone round for turkey in the new year!

Anonymous said...

Sugestion folow g's example - cut turkey in half,cok half at xmas,freze and cok the other half later, avoiding overfil and overkil.

Anonymous said...

Wondefull snow, baking cakes is over and we look foreward to the christmas holidays. It is a hard work beeing on your trip!!! Merry Christmas....

William said...

Have fun and don't get dissentry

Anonymous said...

I try to avoid the dissent, but you know G.
Just off to explore Cochi, with guide.
Fab weather, warm with a pleasant breeze, breakfast on the roof, with an Indian "Jeremy"
We can show you some photos to make up for panto!!!!