Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Done & dusted....

Housework for over four hours this morning, downstairs is all done apart from steam cleaning the tiled floors.
The dining room is back to it's normal self, minus a few decorative features, having been unused during the summer as we eat in the "morning room", China and glassware from Shardelows on the table whilst decisions were made about what to keep and how to dispose of the rest - Hansons or
e bay.
E bay has had much better returns by far, I suppose that it has a bigger audience and longer to decide whether or not to buy.

A great weekend with the family here, pumpkin lanterns and cakes made.
The new mower arrived and T made a pretty good job of the lawns with some tuition and after I'd done around the edges and the fiddly bits.
Flies round and cuts/picks up leaves well.
Out to Solihull and Kenilworth yesterday visiting and doing jobs
Lots or things to put on e bay when time allows, tomorrow I hope but already a couple of other duties have arisen
10 days before Mollie comes home!

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