Sunday, 30 October 2016

Happy Birthday J

from the rest of the family, all at Granny's overnight.
The new mower has arrived - brilliant.
A wider cut, high speed and easy to empty the bins.
We mowed the lawns/picked up the leaves for the last time on Friday - T did half, the middle half - and it made such a good job that no leaves had dared to fall since.
The weather is unseasonably warm, 13degrees yesterday evening.

T & KP put to work yesterday., swept the yard, packed & priced goods then helped set up the stall in the village hall, ready for today's extravaganza.

Clocks back last night, we'll only one here, so far, so up and about at 7.30am and feeling good.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Mollie proofed!

After two days of men & machine the garden and paddock are "stock proofed", all this to prevent the escape of a tiny little spaniel who I feel sure will want to stay close to home at least , for a while.
It will keep the chickens in and, perhaps deter the fox.

The corner of the garden, perhaps would have looked like an interesting exit....

The last bit of brick wall remaining that was a circular air raid shelter, like a pixie house.

All a bit autumnal despite 11 degrees today.

Another day........

"I'm not a conscientious blogger as when I sit back and review the day I often find that there is nothing of note worthy of blogging" to misquote Alan Bennett, who is currently reading his diaries on Radio 4, about to be published.
His quotes are so clever in their drollness, if there is such a word - I looked for this one on Google yesterday morning and so wasted the first hour of the day.

Quick synopsis of the last few days to convince myself that that's not really the case:

Saturday, ran a Coffee & Cakes Morning at Blyth Hall, courtesy of Lady Dugdale.
70 tickets sold, 20 good raffle prizes begged (including four £20+ vouchers from local businesses and a dozen bottles, including a magnum of Grand Cru champagne,Talisker whisky, port....) cakes made, bought from Welshpool the previous day, China, all transported to Blyth Hall and in place before 10.00am.
A good time had by all and an amazing £1000 made for Shustoke church.
Thank you notes to be written and token presents to be delivered today.
I think that I slept for most of the remainder of the day, after clearing up.

Sunday, church at 9.30am, housework, bit of e baying then friends for dinner - roast leg of pork with trimmings, sage and onion from the garden.

Monday, the site is being fenced with stock proof fencing ready for the arrival of Mollie - more later.
Jason arrived with small digger at 8.00am and he and K spent all day putting in posts outside the field and garden hedges.
They're back on the job now - looks good.
Dual purpose - keeps Mollie and the chickens in and others out.
I did menial jobs - bed changing to remove electric blankets, washing, posting parcels, serving teas and cooking dinner.
Said electric blankets, identical , bought in Nov 2013 and 2015 have ceased to work.
I found the guarantee - 3years - so took them back to Argos in Tamworth, to be told to send them back to manufacturer, so a wasted journey, but they will be posted off today.
Perhaps they will replace?
They were expensive.

Today, well I am up, that's a start.........

Sunday, 23 October 2016

What to day on a chilly day......

Order cleaner bags -can't find them, my Karcher (one previous careful owner, Didcot Power Station) is denied by the spares site.
How humbling!

E bay a few bits and pieces including this antique twin handled frog mug, part of my aunt's collection.
Obviously well loved in days of yore looking at the number of staples that hold it together.

I think she does have a finger up her nose so, not "fine china". 
Sell the ride on mower - 22 watchers and a viewing this afternoon.

The most autumnal tree in the garden.

Pyracantha berries not ripe enough for the blackbirds, yet.

But the geraniums keep going, stalks getting longer fo some reason

Friday, 21 October 2016

A new addition to the family...............

Mollie, the puppy I have, not Patrick, the breeder, holding her sister.
Born 14 Sept, due home in 3 weeks - a beautiful golden working cocker spaniel with great parents.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Damson jelly update....

Really lazy recipe:
I heated about 1kg with about 0.8kg sugar for about half an hour and tested on a cold plate until it wrinkled then put it through a wire sieve as I was too lazy too find the jelly bag.
Into the hot jars and all done!
I've never used the sieve before, but it worked really well - much better than damson jam and having to fish for the stones.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Colton Bassett Stilton

I should have taken the photo first!
I bought cheese from M&S deli counter on Friday as it was on offer, instead of pre-wrapped.
This Stilton was amazing!
The cheddar was great and the Cornish Yarg?? was great.
I shall never buy the pre-wrapped again.

Damson jelly.....scrummy

Picked on Sunday afternoon for a friend, then kept going as K wants to make Sloe Gin, which requires 0.5kg frozen damsons/litre, then kept going as they looked so good:

Whoever I made damson jam the boys refused to eat it, a bit like the goats milk, which they loved until we had a goat.
Gertrude was a extremely difficult goat when it came to milking so it was no great loss.

I turned the surplus into damson jelly, which is really good:

Then I had to make a rice pudding to use the spare bit that is always left over when the jars are full: