Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Cottage pie with 20% fat. Yummy!

W's Paleo diet demands full fat everything.
As minced beef with20% fat was half the price of beef mince with 10% fat, I bought the former for a change, to make a cottage pie.
It smells delicious whilst cooking, along with a chopped onion, much better than the lower fat stuff I have been talked into buying for too long.
Since I'm frying it in olive oil, does it really affect the outcome.
I shall go back to proper meat.
(This is awaiting finely diced carrots and swede.)

The garden is looking good, white over with frost this morning.

Some stylish garden furniture, borrowed for the sale and very comfortable.
Needs renovating, but worthwhile, perhaps.
I don't own it .....yet!

My planting out!

Last year's geraniums.

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