Saturday, 30 April 2016

Newcastle Emlyn before the Bank Holiday rush.......

The weather has failed to live up to the forecasts - blue skies for much of the time but a cold wind and odd shower.
We stopped in Bromyard for coffee, Brecon for tea (where it did rain!)
We need another trip there -the "Cupcake Shop" does wonderful teas!
We have to walk to the castle ruins and visit The Mund today, before planning a journey home.

Newcastle Emlyn boasts two of the Welsh rugby internationals, the best Indian restaurant in Wales(4th in UK), The Jasmine, and the last Welsh dragon died here - prior to our arrival.
Not road kill, as far as I know.

The hotel is family run and excellent as is the food.
Booked months ago, the hotel matched a Travelzoo deal - highly recommended.

Yesterday we walked along exciting footpaths to Cenarth from where we caught a bus to Cardigan.
Then we caught the bus the 10 miles back to Newcastle Emlyn and pottered around one of the antique centres before collapsing prior to a hot bath then dinner.
A good day.

Beautiful area.
Holes in bridge for overflow?

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Just got the washing in in time.......

Bright sunshine and a gentle breeze all morning, then this, pounding on the conservatory roof as I try to prepare an enligtening, uplifting sermon on the Holy Spirit.
I think that I am being guided to work in another room!

Cottage pie with 20% fat. Yummy!

W's Paleo diet demands full fat everything.
As minced beef with20% fat was half the price of beef mince with 10% fat, I bought the former for a change, to make a cottage pie.
It smells delicious whilst cooking, along with a chopped onion, much better than the lower fat stuff I have been talked into buying for too long.
Since I'm frying it in olive oil, does it really affect the outcome.
I shall go back to proper meat.
(This is awaiting finely diced carrots and swede.)

The garden is looking good, white over with frost this morning.

Some stylish garden furniture, borrowed for the sale and very comfortable.
Needs renovating, but worthwhile, perhaps.
I don't own it .....yet!

My planting out!

Last year's geraniums.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Signs of ageing 1.

Needing to have an easy day after a busy day.
In fact, the whole of last week was very busy, preparing for the Yard Sale.
I spent three days in the old laundry, washing china at the old stone sink and putting it into priced tomato boxes ready to carry out and put on the tables on the yard on Saturday morning.
Boxes of Aunt Mollie's china from Shardelows surfaced, none of which had been washed for at least 30 years, so this was included, washed, priced, tea services put into  baskets and the exciting pieces taken into the house.

On Sat we were putting up the tables just after 6.00am, goods all out and tea urn and biscuits on the well by 10.00am.
We had fewer punters than in the Autumn, but had a good day with a couple of dealers who bought a fair bit.
Everything away and no sign that it had ever happened apart from a dozen tables in the drive, under a tarpaulin, by 5.00pm.
After scrubbing up, we had dinner at The Bull at Furnace End at 6.30pm - just the job and always good value.
Result: a healthier bank balance
            Fewer boxes of stuff
            hands like sandpaper.
and goods priced ready for The Whitacres and Shustoke Show on 27 July.

At short notice, I took the service at Shustoke on Sunday, I managed to start my sermon whilst preparing tea for J and Th on Tues, finishing it later, having done the thinking whilst slaving over a stone sink!

Now in Bicester, planning a day of culinary delights, T having planned the menu for dinner tonight.
It looks cold out there!

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Gill's Grand Sale....

in preparation.
The second day spent washing and pricing China, pottery and all sorts of delectable items, in the old laundry before putting in tomato boxes, with the price on the end to make it easy to set up on Sat.
Hundreds of items done and lots more to do tomorrow.
I managed to look through the boxes from Shardelows and include some bits and pieces but most are so old and special that I need to do some research, some I really want to keep..
A lovely day again, dried two loads of washing, including all of the bed linen, now smelling great and back on the beds.
Ready for bed and it's only 8.30pm!.

The swallows are busy nest building in the stables, two pairs, I think.
The spotted woodpecker has been busy climbing all of the way up the post of the bird table then peeping over the top and climbing on.
Same performance every time.

A birthday cake for D, waiting to be decorated, in the kitchen along with a tray of rock cakes.
Perhaps one with coffee before bed.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

A nice day out.

Yesterday we went on a coach to Liverpool organised by RB from church.
My first visit, can you believe.
Liverpool exceeded expectations, a truly grand city that puts Birmingham in the shade.
I travelled on the back seat with 4 of the team who do the occasional pub crawl around Camra pubs with great architecture - we visited both cathedrals and two fine pubs, doing a fair bit of walking in between.

Lunch in the Philharmonic pub, an unspoilt Art Deco gem.
I didn't get to see the gents, the ladies were "bog standard"

Afternoon coffee for me - not into beer in the afternoon, at The Baltic, down by the dock.

The Anglican Cathedral, the largest in the UK.
Choral Evensong at 3.00pm was well hidden in the Lady Chapel, said, with 7 in the congregation.
A church full of visitors and sound equipment but no seating available.
Could have done much better!

The Wigwam, the RC Cathedral was brilliant.
We arrived as Mass was finishing, great music and a large, joyful congregation.


I have just purchased this (OK, Cotswold Sale), having loved them for years, since W& MK bought one for me many years ago -  grey with dandelions.
I am delighted with it.
Hope it fits!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Semi detached living......

Summer has arrived.
This new K bird box was sitting on the bench awaiting elevating to a tree.
The birds got there first, so we have settled for a more minor elevation to the wall above the bench.
They don't seem to mind, yet........

The mole has arrived.
It made a fine molehill in the time it took me to walk into the house and put the washing basket away.
Now flattened to upset him so he goes away.

Damson blossom out everywhere.

A Cappuccino awaiting a new owner.
Any offers?

and the stable door open as the swallows have returne.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Back to school.......

Unless you live in Solihull or Oxfordshire, when you have another whole week of fun and games.
T has done the first round of hot chocolate or the day.
We have ordered sunshine so that the tree house can be put into use, now completed, right down to the camouflage netting.

A good e bay weekend!

Who is that funny little old man?
Answers on a post card to the usual address.

E bay trolley down to cake dishes for the yard sale, too troublesome to pack and post.
Paper knives may be the order of the day if time allows.
My time slot for the bathroom has only just arrived,