Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The moles are winning!

Top lawn:

Side lawn, this one was digging whilst I was taking the photo:


Party packs, compare with Johnsons Sun cream bottle.
Time for Arthur and even more traps!

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Put to bed for the winter:

Hanging baskets down, bone dry as lacking water for the last two weeks.

The manger survived...for the moment.

Creepers and honeysuckle cut down to reveal the Windows again - 3 large barrow loads and more to come on a less windy day.

She'd tidied and ready to use.

Tree house tidied and battened down.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Back to normal

Lots done today in preparation for the Blythe Hall Coffee Morning - begging letters out!
Followed by a trip to Solihull for coffee at Pret with Jan and a potter around the shops.
Latest acquisition, an iconic George Nelson vitreous clock from the 1950s.
Beat that!

Happy Birthday Mum....

yesterday actually, but I fell asleep before I got round to blogging, having spent the afternoon mowing the lawns of two weeks growth. Never easy.
We have had a great couple of weeks in Southern Italy, Rome, Naples, to pick up a little car then a week in the wilds of the Cilento National Park, then across the Apennines to Venosa for a couple of days, a delightful little medieval town, back to Naples, Rome and home.
Brilliant, photos to follow.
Two days at home, washing, cleaning, gardening and all is back to normal.
Now busy planning a Coffee & Cakes Morning at Blythe Hall on 22 October for church - ticket printing and sales and the begging for raffle prizes.

Mum was born in 1909 so would have been 107 - we were surprise twins born to middle aged parents!