Friday 26 October 2007

Where'sthe week gone?

I know, but apparently G doesn't.
Thomas came & shared a few hours. He was great company, as usual.
We played, had elevenses, a little early as Thomas was peckish, discussed global warming & went for a walk around the block.(1409 paces)
We looked at the mole hills on the side lawn - fourteen now.
We admired the honeysuckle on the laundry wall, now in full flower.
My mole-catching gear is to the right of the honeysuckle. A spade to dig it out, when caught digging near the surface- a small new hill, a plastic leaf scoop to put him on to transport him to a distant field.
I do not recommend this method, I have found it noteworthy only in its total lack of success.
G took the final photo, from a sitting position, having eaten a hearty, but healthy meal.
I wish that I had thought to take a photo of it.

Please comment, if you have time.


William said...

Sorry no time for commenting!
It's good to see that the mole has realised that you have extra time you are now retired and responded by prociding you with so much entertainment and blogging material.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
