Sunday 14 October 2007

Elevenses pm - another late night.

Have you seen Ben since he started using "Timotei"?

A great day.
G & B out on the bikes whilst T & I visited Shustoke Church(too late for the service),then Whitacre Garden Centre to see the Christmas extravaganza.
The latter well deserves its title - decorations you couldn't even imagine (I hope)
Coffee, then off to Waddesdon.
Warm sunshine (17 degrees) & a fascinating house. Light lunch & on to see B, E, T,& KP, briefly, at tea time.
Home for dinner & so to bed.


Anonymous said...

What an enormous cock

William said...

I trust that George got beaten like a red headed step child!

Anonymous said...

It may be an enormous "cock", but it is actually a "cock pheasant"
I do not understand the other second comment.