Monday 22 October 2007

No elevenses since Thursday

Hectic few days - Thomas on Friday, he was lovely, as usual.
A run in the lotus with Tim on Sat & then a visit to Sandwell Hall Farm with Steve & Diane.
This was great, walled gardens, a farmyard, amazing Tamworth Red boars, bigger than me, & a playground with a "killer slide" which Tim loved.
On Sunday morning, Morning Prayer at Nether Whitacre, followed by a visit to Coughton Court near Alcester, a National Trust property.
This is where the wives of the gunpowder plotters waited, on 5 Nov 1605.
A stronghold of the Roman Catholic Church.
I have always pronounced it "Cofton". The guide said "Coton".
Wrong again!
Apart from the Hall, it has a beautiful kitchen garden, orchard & two churches, one of each,on either side.
G was mainly concerned about not blending in with the other visitors.
Social stereotype: 65+, brown trousers/blue jeans, buff/green fleece, comfy shoes/trainers.
I include a photo of G, taken on my phone, for comparison.
Today I went to Bicester.
E, Tim & KP were all on good form,if a little tired!
I am now qualified to take a "Monkey Music session". I have practised all of the songs & movements 20 times.

Please use you initiative to match the photos to the text.
Note that I am not wearing brown/green/buff/denim or trainers.


Anonymous said...

Health Visitor's suggestion on cracking the sleep thing with Katie resulted in my spending almost 2 hours sitting in darkness in her bedroom between 3.45 and 5.15 am this morning, with non-stop crying. In the end Ben had to take over, my ears were ringing so much I wasn't sure whether there was silence or crying. I also appeared to have hyperthermia. Not one of the best sleep solutions for anyone concerned really. Back to the drawing board...I have got a book from the library entitled 'The little book of sleep'.
P.S Katie woke up full of smiles. I feel like death warmed up. Ben says he is very very tired...

Anonymous said...

Why don't you get one of the "magic lamps" from B&Q which you can turn on a very low light, put that on & wrap up warm or put on the heating for the night.
Perhaps you should leave it until Fri, when you can all have a lie-in. Blow what the health visitor says, you know KP, she doesn't

Anonymous said...

Try very low lightlevels and some ear-plugs - they work and a cardboard cut-out. G

Anonymous said...

Give her a cuddle if she wants one!
You can catch up on your sleep in a few years time when she's out half the night.